Thank you for your interest in lactation counseling! Breastfeeding your newborn is a heroic and beautiful choice, and you deserve to be supported and educated in your journey.

Melissa is an ALPP-certified lactation counselor and very passionate about supporting breastfeeding families.

Prenatal education is offered, as well as after-birth support for that first golden hour when breastfeeding is initiated. The first nursing session is an opportunity to set you up for success!

When immediate nursing is not an option, you deserve support should you choose to express and/or pump for your baby’s nourishment.

On-site lactation counseling is available, as well as emergency tele-support for those moments when you need calm reassurance.

On-site counseling is billed at $80 hourly, and tele-support is billed at $15 in 30-minute increments.

Lactation Support